• Why Us

    Why Us
  • Why Us

    Why Us

We specialise in Architectural Designs

So why is that important?

Constructing a bespoke home is a different process to building a volume home and it requires the expertise of a specialised builder. We recognise the intricacies of bringing a unique design to fruition.

We understand that throughout the construction journey, adjustments may be necessary as sometimes what may appear impressive on paper, may not translate well into reality.

You are going to need a builder who is adaptable and who has exceptional problem solving skills. We love the opportunity to tackle intricate projects, the greater the complexity, the more we embrace the challenge!

We are a Boutique Builder

You may have seen the term “boutique builder” before, but what does it actually mean and how does it benefit you?

A boutique builder refers to a specialised and niche construction company that focuses on delivering high-quality and customised homes. We distinguish ourselves from larger, more mainstream builders by offering a more personalised and tailored approach to our clients needs.

We take on a limited number of projects at a time which means that we can focus on each project with meticulous attention to detail. This also means that we can dedicate more time and attention to client communication.

As a client you can expect more direct involvement and frequent updates, leading to a smoother and more satisfying experience.

We have a passion for Building

For Managing Director, James, being a builder goes beyond simply constructing structures, he is committed to creating remarkable spaces that leave a lasting impression. He approaches each project with enthusiasm and is fuelled by a genuine love of his craft.

The team at The Kiely Group all take pride in their work and are continually honing their skills, and staying abreast of industry trends and advancements. We also only use Trades who share the same passion as we do.